What Exactly Is Heartburn? You know that burning sensation you get after a huge meal – it begins in the upper abdomen, behind the breastbone, and makes your chest feel like it’s on fire. The burning and pain may travel from your diaphragm all the way to your throat, and maybe you have a sour taste and the sensation of food re-entering your mouth – That’s Heartburn! Heartburn is caused when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, which is a really sensitive organ. This can occur for a number of reasons: 1. When the valve that keeps stomach acid in the stomach, is weakened or relaxed and doesn’t do its job properly. This is the most common symptom of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). 2. Certain foods, such as chocolate, fried and fatty foods, peppermint, coffee, alcohol, and sugar, can weaken or relax the valve. 3. Eating large meals or to close to bedtime. 4. A hiatal hernia. 5. Pressure on the stomach, including frequent bending over, tight clothes, lifting, and obesity. 6. Certain medications. 7. Smoking. 8. Stress can increase acid production and slow down the emptying of the stomach. Is Heartburn Dangerous? For most people who suffer from mild heartburn only occasionally, it is more of a nuisance than a condition that can cause any serious complications. However, for those who suffer from chronic heartburn, episodes occurring from several times a week to several times a day, it can lead to severe complications if not treated. For people who suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), heartburn can be chronic and severe. This can cause scarring of the esophagus, which narrows the esophagus and makes it difficult to swallow. It can also lead to Barrett’s esophagus, a condition where cells similar to those of the stomach lining develop in the lower esophagus. This damage to the esophagus is severe and increases your risk of developing cancer of the esophagus. What to do About Your Heartburn You can find relief from your heartburn with a few self-care remedies. This involves making a few lifestyle and diet changes. Here are a few suggestions: * Eat frequent smaller meals instead of three larger ones. This will help prevent excessive production of stomach acid. * Eat slowly. One way to help you slow down while eating is to put your fork or spoon down between bites. * Don’t go to bed with a full stomach. Stay up at least three hours after eating your last meal or large snack before going to bed. This gives acid levels a chance to decrease before your body is in a position where heartburn is more likely to occur. * Raise the head of your bed several inches. With your head elevated, it will help prevent reflux during the night. * Avoid your heartburn triggers. Examples of foods and beverages that can trigger heartburn are coffee (including decaf), alcohol, fatty foods, caffeinated beverages and foods, onions, peppermint, chocolate (yes, ladies – chocolate!), citrus fruits or juices, and tomatoes. If you aren’t sure what your heartburn triggers are, try keeping a food diary for a week or two. * Stop smoking. Nicotine can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, the valve that controls the opening between the esophagus and stomach and prevents the acid of the stomach from entering the esophagus. * Wear looser-fitting clothes. Tight clothing squeezes the midsection and tends to push stomach contents upward. * Lose weight. If you are overweight, losing weight can help relieve your symptoms. * Chew gum. Chewing gum can provide short-term heartburn relief by stimulating the production of saliva, which dilutes and flushes out stomach acid. * Drink warm liquids. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water or herbal tea after a meal can dilute and flush out stomach acid. There is a program called “Heartburn No More ™: Heartburn Cure” which teaches a proven holistic 5-step system for curing Acid Reflux and Heartburn. With the use of these strategies, thousands of Men and Women worldwide have been successfully eliminating their heartburn pain within 2 days, and curing the root cause of acid reflux permanently! I have suffered from acid reflux and Hiatal Hernia for more than two decades and, unable to find a “natural cure,” was finally forced by the severe pain and threat of esophageal cancer to begin taking prescription medications to manage the condition. Within 2 weeks with this program, my chest pain and constant burning were completely gone! Because I’m finally sleeping through the night, I have more energy and feel and look like a new person! I have actually thrown away the prescription drugs and chemicals I was poisoning my body with. I highly recommend checking out Heartburn No More ™, and making the changes recommended… you’ll be amazed how it feels to reclaim your life Heartburn Free!
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